Tuesday, 22 November 2011


What a month! Started a new job at a nearby Primary School. Absolutely loving it, but is hard work, I get home and I'm ready to crash. But I have to pick myself up and start studying. Its so unbelievably hard to do. I am really struggling with getting my head around creative writing. I have so many ideas at random times of the day, different genre of stories I could really sink my teeth into, but then I get home, shattered and I cant get my thoughts straight. Do I start with building a novel around a scene, or character or do I freewrite and hope it takes me to where I need to go?! The thing with writing is that there are so many different avenues to take I dont know where to begin, and so as a result - I dont begin at all!!
Lately I have been reading up about first person writing, third person writing and limited omniscience narrator. So many different styles. Help!! haha.
On a brighter note, its christmas soon, love christmas!